%matplotlib inline
from math import ceil
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from selfregulation.utils.utils import get_behav_data
from selfregulation.utils.plot_utils import format_num
from statsmodels.stats.stattools import medcouple
from selfregulation.utils.data_preparation_utils import transform_remove_skew, remove_outliers, remove_correlated_task_variables
data = get_behav_data()
selected_variables = get_behav_data()
clean = get_behav_data(file = 'meaningful_variables_clean.csv')
imputed = get_behav_data(file = 'meaningful_variables_imputed.csv')
def get_outliers(cleaned, orig, variables):
outliers = cleaned[variables].isnull() ^ orig[variables].isnull()
return outliers
def plot_outliers(cleaned, orig, variables):
outliers = get_outliers(cleaned, orig, variables)
num_with_outliers = np.sum(outliers.mean()>0)
outliers = outliers.loc[:,outliers.mean()>0]
f, axes = plt.subplots(ceil(num_with_outliers/3), 3, figsize=(12,num_with_outliers))
axes = f.get_axes()
for name, var in orig[variables].iteritems():
ax = axes[i]
outlier = outliers[name]
var_kept = var[~outlier]
var_outliers = var[outlier]
sns.stripplot(var_kept, ax=ax, size=4, alpha=.5)
sns.stripplot(var_outliers, color='r', ax=ax, size=3)
ax.set_title('\n'.join(name.split('.')), fontweight='bold')
ax.text(.3, .8, 'Outlier %%: %s' % format_num(outlier.mean()),
transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=12)
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=.5, hspace=.6)
selected_variables_clean_transformed = transform_remove_skew(selected_variables)
selected_variables_clean = remove_outliers(selected_variables_clean_transformed)
All approaches remove skew, obviously. Every kept variable at the end is within our skew thresholds
# evaluating skew
selected_variables_clean.skew().hist(bins=20, alpha=1)
def remove_suffix(df):
df.columns = ['.'.join(i.split('.')[:-1]) if 'logTr' in i else i for i in df.columns]
After skewed variables are transformed all variables have outliers removed. The blue distribution here represents the transformed distribution. Only variables with at least one outlier are plotted, and they are sorted based on the percent of outliers removed.
There is one outlier case which I have dug into after these plots.
tmp = selected_variables_clean.copy()
tmp2 = selected_variables_clean_transformed
outliers = get_outliers(tmp, tmp2, tmp.columns)
# summary
tasks_with_outliers = np.sum(outliers.sum()>0)
sns.stripplot(outliers.mean()); plt.xlabel('Percent outliers removed', fontsize=20)
plt.text(0, .25, "# Tasks with outliers: %s" % format_num(tasks_with_outliers),
plt.title('% Outliers Removed across tasks', fontsize=20)
# individual
plot_outliers(tmp, tmp2, tmp.columns)
One variable seemed odd. It was the shift task model-beta. It seems that a decent number of subjects have a beta value=1 (the starting value). At the same time, the variable is skewed, so it is transformed, making all of those 1's 0's. One option is to remove the extreme outliers before transforming. The variable will no longer be skewed and won't be trasnformed. Instead, I am going to just leave the variable as is, as I don't want to customize the procedure for individual variables
sns.stripplot(selected_variables.filter(regex='model_beta'), alpha=.5)
plt.title('Model Beta before transform')
sns.stripplot(np.log(selected_variables.filter(regex='model_beta')), alpha=.5)
plt.title('Model Beta after transform')
# look clean and imputed data
clean = get_behav_data(file = 'meaningful_variables_clean.csv')
imputed = get_behav_data(file = 'meaningful_variables_imputed.csv')
final = pd.concat([clean_melted, impute_melted])
# remove missing values
final = final.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan)
%matplotlib inline
f, axes = plt.subplots(n_rows, 2, figsize=(7, n_rows*3))
for row, name in enumerate(sorted(final.variable.unique())):
for col, stage in enumerate(['clean','imputed']):
subset = final.query('variable == "%s" and stage == "%s"' % (name, stage))
if len(subset) > 0:
axes[row][col].hist(subset['value'], bins=20)
axes[row][0].set_ylabel(('\n').join(name.split('.')), fontsize=15,
rotation=0, labelpad=100)